Our Generations
As a church, we take into consideration the need to reach out to different age groups with the gospel of Christ and building them up in the full measure and stature of our Lord Jesus Christ

Alpha Generation (AG)
Our future
This 0-2 generation exists to provide a strong spiritual support for the Godly education and counsel of children in their formative age while supporting parents in this area. The children's Church is primarily designed to teach, train and inspire children in a dynamic and creative way that will distinguish them from their peers.
We also encourage their talents through teachings, music, dance/choreography, graphic designs and arts. We create an enabling environment for them to discover, develop and distinguish themselves for moral, academic and spiritual excellence.

Rising Generation(RG)
Bright Minds
Rising Generation are a group of vibrant and dynamic 8-12 year olds set in the pivotal years of growth. The Church strives to bring up these youthful minds through equipping them with the practical word and a diverse and lively curriculum of other activities. We encourage these young minds in Godly principles and every gathering brings its own zest as they exhibit and express their gifts and talents.

Chosen Generation (CG)
The bubblers
The Chosen Generation are 13-17 year olds happily exploring God in incredibly cool and fun ways. They are being taught the word of God to establish a strong Godly foundation and prepare them for a great future.
They have the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God through fellowshipping together to learn and share God’s word. We believe God is ready to raise men and women of honour amongst them in a society where moral decadence is on the raise.

The Generation (DG)
Chosen ones
DG (The generation) is derived from the bible passage (Psalm 24 v 6), which says; “Such is ‘the Generation’ who seek Him, who seek your face, God of Jacob”. DG is made up of young adult who are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
They fall within the age group of age 18 to 24. The ‘Generation’ are highly talented youths, with skills and crafts that are expressed in academics, music, drama, dance, creative designs and many more. The singular purpose of the DG is to win young people for God.

Royal Generation (RoG)
Professional minds
The Generation is made up of young professionals gathering to inspire ideas through thought provoking debates and discussions over good food. They engage in straight talks on topics such as career, money, sex, relationships, self-development and other issues that so very fervently affect young adults, including living as a christian in a post-modern sexualised world. They also set time apart to meet once a month for an entertaining, down-to-earth fun activity including ice skating, dinner, movie nights and bowling. They meet every Tuesday, 7:30pm, at the upper room in church. We're excited and looking forward to meeting you.

Eagle Generation(EG)
Our nobles
Eagle generation consists of men and women within the ages of 36-50. They are made up of the virtuous women and noble men ministries of the church. They play an active role in mentoring the younger generations and also manage some of Church's yearly projects.

Flourishing Generation
This generation consist of senior citizens from age 51 and above. They create time to teach the younger generation the principles of life from personal experience, ensuring our young people are constantly nourished with the ever-abiding Word of God.